Saturday, April 30, 2011

March AND April in review

behind, as always.

march, in review:
  • adopted a dog! he's SUCH a doll. also kinda crazy. we've actually decided the right term for him is "enthusiastic".
  • photographed the classical concert for Choir of the Sound
  • started dog training because he's a maniac.
  • made some serious progress on the quarterly goals i set in january at creekside.
  • decided to start memorizing scripture along with our breakfast club kids to earn points for the big summer "b.c. bash". loving this challenge!
  • reading: diana gabaldon's "voyager", blackaby's "experiencing God", maxwell's "developing leaders around you", "spiritual leadership" by oswald sanders, and "leading at the highest level" by ken blanchard. (a few of those have been in progress for a few months)

april, in review:
  • it's official! i finished my last class! the 3 year program that has taken me 10 years to complete is done.
  • my application for ordination is complete, and will be in the mail soon (followed by a big exam this Summer and an interview this fall).
  • went to my favorite ministry conference a few weeks ago, getting to meet a leader in the kidmin field who has impacted my ministry the most. love coming away with new ideas and feeling recharged.
  • repo'd a pool table - bet you'd never guess "repo agent" was part of my job description. (neither did i.)
  • went rollerskating for an all-church skate night. bad idea. the last time i rollerskated, i was 5. i'm pretty sure i was awesome at it then. i'm not now. one lap around the rink, i'd fallen twice and i was done!
  • had our first Good Friday service at church - such a beautiful remembrance.
  • celebrated our 3rd Easter at the new campus, with a record attendance of nearly 600. such an exciting day!
  • finishing up dog training (or "doggy brainwashing" as we've called it). wish i thought it was helping. selective obedience only, dontchya know.
  • finally got rid of all the (s)crap we've had leftover from tearing down the patio "awning" and taking out the "fireplace" and chimney. two ambitious dump runs made possible by a good friend with some spare time on his hands.
  • matt is patching up the hole in the wall from the fireplace, now that we've decided we don't need to install a new one.
  • heading tonight to jet city improv to celebrate a friend's birthday.
  • reading: gabaldon's "drums of autumn", "leading on empty" by wayne cordiero, blackaby's "experiencing God" and "spiritual leadership" by oswald sanders (yes, still)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hey look! I'm posting from my iPhone. I *heart* technology!