Monday, May 22, 2006

such a great weekend. nearly perfect. saturday, i went to our neice's first birthday party and filled up my 1 GB memory card. proofing them was so much fun - and i'm seeing my accuracy improving. practice pays off - and that feels good. i'll post a few tomorrow.

sunday, after church, i took pictures of a little family - i work with dad. too sweet. i'll post some of those later too.

also included was the usual grocery shopping, cooking and a little scrapbooking, along with the not-so-usual heavy cleaning, which ended with me on hands and knees, scrubbing grout with a toothbrush. i love bleach.

and my bestest buddy comes home today - so excited to see her. will be celebrating her birthday with her on wednesday. i love birthdays. :)

oh, and i've lost 23.5 lbs. i exceeded my first goal (21 lbs) by over a week and a half. cool, huh? so, next goal is another 20 lbs (well, 17.5 lbs, really) - which is my "when we met" weight. ('we' being matt & i.)

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