Thursday, May 25, 2006

all i have are...

37 somewhat decent pictures of kassidy eating cake
7 pictures of kassidy, post-cake-cleanup, in her cute new outfit courtesy of auntie kate and uncle matt
4 pictures of kassidy and grama playing outside
1 picture of kassidy and mama playing
20 pictures of david and cousin jillian playing outside

that's all i could salvage from kassidy's birthday. i'm still so sad. i proofed these photos last night on the couch, in front of LOST, and still felt miserable about it. i hated it. because all i could think of was "you freaking idiot - you sacrificed some really great photos because you were in such a hurry that you didn't check the disk." still so sad.

i've had this think for flamingos for a couple of years now... it started with a stamp set from Stampin' Up!, mostly because all of the samples were in pink (my favorite color). i guess it stuck, because to this day - i love pink flamingos. so, when i was shopping for a gift for kassidy, i saw this shirt:

it's not very obvious, but the leaves on the tree, and the body of the flamingo are fringie (is that a word?). it was all i could do to resist asking the clerk if it was available in my size. (available at target, for inquiring minds.)

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