Friday, May 19, 2006

before the weekend starts...

i forgot to mention something SO important yesterday... my itsy-bitsy neice turned a whole year old yesterday. i'm so amazed. part of me can't believe it's been a year - because that's how life goes. but the rest of me feels like it's been more than a year - because i feel like i've known her forever, and i can hardly remember what it was like before she was around!

tomorrow, we'll celebrate her happy year, and the many years to come. can't wait.

on sunday, i get to do my very first baby shoot, and for a coworker - not family. i'm so incredibly nervous. and so incredibly excited.

i see a lot of photo proofing in my near future.

remember my "off the wagon" dreams? i'm now having the exact opposite: super-motivating-success dreams. (or at least that's what i'm calling them.) last night, i dreamt that i exceeded my goal of 21 pounds by the 31st by two whole pounds. and that got me all excited, and wondering if i could potentially be at 23 pounds by the 31st...

i guess when the "nightmares" stop and the good dreams begin, that's a breakthrough, eh?

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