Friday, February 10, 2006

wild hair...

my stepdad asked us the other night about our vacation plans for this year... (mostly, he just wanted to rub in the fact that they're going for two weeks to visit my aunt and uncle in england, with my grandparents, and leaving us kids at home...) and i thought "what?? people plan their yearly vacations this far in advance?" huh.

i guess it would make sense, since we need to be saving up a bit of money. and since we're not exactly "well to do", we best start planning. so anyway, this morning, my wild hair arrived. i'm thinking a small road-trip, newport beach, OR, and look at this terribly cute little hotel on the beach: Sylvia Beach Hotel. all of their rooms are named after authors, and their dining room is called "Tables of Content". too fun.

i guess i should talk to matt before i get too attached!

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