Wednesday, February 15, 2006

today i feel very blah. i don't mean to whine, but prepare yourselves anyway.

valentine's day didn't go exactly as planned last night. we never go out on valentine's day. the one day of the year when everybody *else* in the city is eating out, why would we want to be there too? but i got home at 5:30 and matt dangled the name of my favorite neighborhood diner in front of my eyes...


after some back and forth, not being able to make up our minds, we went. what WERE we thinking?? we were thinking, i suppose, that on the most romantic day of the year, most couples are at fancy shmancy places that require reservations. we were NOT thinking they'd be at applebee's.

but i kid you not. the entire city of lynnwood was at applebee's. so we didn't even bother to park. it was clear from the line at the door that we shouldn't even ask what the wait was... i pouted. matt suggested my other fav - red lobster. we drove a few blocks over to the location of my favorite crustacean, only to discover a traffic jam in the parking lot. who are these people and why aren't they eating at fancy shmancy places that require reservations?

so we headed south, back toward home. we threw around a few other ideas... red crane steak & sushi {nah, probably too crowded}, old country buffet {blech, i'm not that desperate.} and guess where we landed. denny's.

in the parking lot, i cried about how typical the evening felt. not special. there were no gifts to open - i had taken him shopping for his to make sure i got what he wanted {nothing says "i love you" like a new dremel tool.} and he'll be making a generous contribution to my camera fund in honor of the big day - and dinner was going to be denny's, of all places. after getting over myself - sorta - we wandered in to get a table.

i kinda feel like children should be left at home with a babysitter on valentine's day - even if the parents only go to denny's. or at least, keep them quiet. the shouting of a three year old overly excited by an arousing game of uno hardly lends itself to a romantic atmosphere. even at denny's.

good thing our waiter was amusing. while discoing to a Prince song broadcasting through the restaurant {yes, disco}, he offered to don his ass-less pants as a part of the evening's entertainment. i'm not kidding. he said 'ass-less pants'.

after dinner, we headed home. totally unexciting celebration. i pouted for the rest of the evening {and as you can see, i'm still pouting today}. matt mentioned that he "knows me better than that" and that he should've gotten me something to open, anything, really. {he's right, but i don't hold it against him - i told him all i wanted was a donation to my camera fun.} and we'll have our nice homemade dinner and our bottle of wine another night. and maybe next year, when we get a wild hair to go out instead of staying in, i'll come across this blog entry and be reminded of how unexciting and depressing it is to spend valentine's day at denny's. even with a waiter in ass-less pants.

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