Saturday, February 04, 2006

wanna see more pictures?

so, here are my four favorite cards from the class i taught today:

the classes i teach are planned by the corporate office, which means i have very little work to do. (and i'm really ok with that.) while i am bummed that i don't get to design, i'm also relieved. in designing my own classes, i would invest a LOT of time: planning, creating the project, packing supply kits, setting up, teaching, tearing down - all to teach a great concept just ONCE. by teaching the corporate classes, i only have to: create the project, set up, teach and tear down. i know that our store management will give me some flexibility as well - if i want to incorporate a few of my own classes down the road, i will be able to. but now i don't have the pressure of coming up with two great class ideas each month.

i also checked out two other kits that corporate sent our store, to see if they were something i'd want to teach... one is a terribly cute tag album (10 things i love about you) and the other is 2 layouts (2 pages each). tons of fun stuff. SEI, KI Memories, rub-ons, alphabet stickers, great patterns, lovely ribbon. yummy yummy yummy. and because they're both valentine themed, that's a total of THREE classes in february. wheeeeeeeeeee! i'll be calling our manager monday to tell her yes, yes, yes!!

aaaand a few things i did this evening...

{mini valentine's cards - about the size of the storebought ones you handed out to your friends in elementary school - but waaay cuter. ;) }

{a card i made using scraps from today's events}

well, that's about it for me. i don't have much to do now, so i'm kind of biding my time. it's rough not having a project to focus on (...yeah, really rough...) and i'm out of photos to scrap for a while. i guess i'll go make my hubby dinner. :)

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