Wednesday, November 16, 2005

so, i was introduced to this blogging game today. the idea is to google your first name, followed by the word "needs". the results are quite amusing. here's mine:

Kate Needs A Shave {I take offense at this.}

Kate Needs A Hand... {Ain't that the truth.}

Kate needs a priest; Kate needs to be hooked up; Kate needs to leave everyone alone; Kate needs to grow up; Kate needs to know why demons are taking over... {All from one site. These people apparently have very strong feelings about my needs...}

Kate needs to be exposed for everything evil she has done...Kate needs to be brought to her knees. {Again, strong feelings.}

Kate Needs Your Help {A lot of people seem to think I'm in need of help... Serious help...}

Kate Needs A Priest {Yeah, that seems to be a common theme...}

Venomous Kate Needs New Fangs. {Wow - didn't see THAT one coming... I like my current 'fangs' just fine, thank you!}

amusing, eh? try it with your own name... if you have a blog, post the results on yours and leave me a comment! if you don't have a blog, feel free to post the results in my comments section. :)

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