Friday, November 11, 2005

photo-a-day challenge update

i know, i know - i'm slacking. here are a few, though i'm still behind in posting.

{friday, 11/4 - i tried so hard to make this shot work as well on camera as it did in my head, and i'm afraid i failed. love her sitting on those antique books though. she always likes to be on the highest surface of the room. took this standing on a wobbly dining room chair, to get a more interesting angle.}

{saturday, 11/5 - "pace e bene" or "peace and goodwill". my dear friend natalia brought this door blessing plaque to me from italy. it hangs over our front door. again, i struggled to achieve what i wanted in this photo - that's why there's two. i wish i could've included more of the door, but then the focus is not on the plaque, and it becomes too small to read. any suggestions??}

{sunday, 11/6 - unauthorized cat nap. these two are not allowed in our bedroom, so when given the opportunity - an open door - they dive in.}

{monday, 11/7 - i arrived in the office monday morning to find, much to my horror, that a week after halloween, we still had gobs of candy laying around. i call this photo "yes, still...".}

{tuesday, 11/8 - i realize this photo has absolutely no real photographic purpose. i was messing around on the way home one night (no worries, matt was driving) and had great fun watching the little light trails on the images. i like the squiggles. and yes - that blue & red orb is indeed the pepsi logo... one of the more out-of-place landmarks in seattle, since - near as i can tell - there is no pepsi building anywhere near the neon sign. i took advantage of the light it was pumping out.}

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