Monday, June 06, 2005

this morning, a stranger thanked me for my smile...

i was walking to the bus, in no particularly unusual mood... the air was crisp, and i could hardly smell the exhaust fumes coming off of Aurora Ave - our main drag. the clouds were light, revealing a nice day... i was ready for work...

not far from my bus stop, i noticed a gal headed towards me... don't know where she was coming from... don't know where she was going... i didn't really expect her to say anything, but as she neared, her face lit up and she said "good morning!"... so i mustered the most sincere smile i could muster at 7am, and replied genuinely "good morning!"

and as we passed eachother, she said "thank you for your smile!" ... this of course, made me smile even more, so i replied "you're welcome!"

what a way to start the day...

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