Monday, June 27, 2005

so, i know i haven't been posting much... but it feels like life is a touch on the un-interesting side...

friday night found us out shopping {for a dress to wear to matt's cousin's wedding,} and then out to dinner... finally found a suitable dress at nordstrom's, on sale, of course. didn't get home till 9pm. i was tired and grumpy. paid bills and went right to bed. there goes my evening...

saturday, i was up super early as matt left for the men's breakfast at church, and then to get some work at the church done before the wedding. we left the house a touch after noon, and yet, it took us about 2 hours to get to burlington, which should've only taken about an hour and fifteen minutes... traffic sucked, due to a terrible accident that took up two of the three northbound lanes, about halfway to our destination. by the time we got past it, it was already 15 minutes to 2pm - start-time for the wedding, and we had almost 30 miles to go. so, we arrived about 20 minutes after the ceremony started, quietly snuck into the back of the santuary and saw the end of the final prayer, and *the* kiss. i was so disappointed.

the reception was nice. they put a lot into decorating the church gym, to work in a garden theme. very sweet. as the reception ended, matt and i decided to join the family back at the grandparents' farm, even though we knew we'd get back into town late, and there was still work to be done at the church.

we had a light meal at the farm, and enjoyed the relaxing evening that gave us plenty of time to catch up. {sorry - no pictures. my camera battery died at the wedding reception. note to self: ALWAYS charge the battery the night before an event!!}

this is another day, another story, another post, but one of my favorite things about visiting the farm is grandma's pantry. matt's mom is one of - i think - 10 kids, and they were, for the most part, raised on this working 30-acre farm. they keep cows, and have a small garden that keeps them in produce almost all year long... this small plot of land - perhaps 20 feet by 15 feet - is planted so well that from it, grandma reaps corn, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, radishes, lettuce (a few types), spinach, tomatoes, rhubarb and kohlrabi. on top of that, they have a cherry tree and a whole mess of blackberry bushes. after harvest, a visit to the farm always requires a peek at the pantry, a small room with 8-10 inch shelves lining the walls, floor to ceiling, every row a different color, filled with canned carrots, beans, plum butter, apricots, pickles, rhubarb juice, you name it... if it can be canned, she's canned it, and it's in there. mmmmm. perhaps we'll return when the corn is high and the canning has begun. as i said, it really warrants another day, another story, another post. and probably a whole scrapbook page.

sunday was fairly hectic. the church service was great, worship was moving. i worked in the nursery at the second service, and made a new friend, heather, who also scrapbooks and stamps. yay! we had six babies between the two of us, and thank goodness she was there because i couldn't have done it by myself. they were pretty content for the first hour, but in the last forty-five minutes, they grew tired and impatient. we had fussy babies, crying babies, wailing babies... one would start, and set another off, and a chain reaction would progress through the entire room. sweet, though. it's nice to feel needed by a child. and when you're the only adult around, they need you. ;)

after church, matt and i went on a date - to lunch at subway {isn't it romantic...} and bowling. i'd forgotten how much i enjoy bowling. we've decided to make dating a habit... originally, i assumed we *were* dating because we'd go out to eat together and talk... then matt mentioned that his idea of a date was more about doing things together... each week we'll go out, alternating who gets to decide what to do {cuz let's face it: if we tried to pick something we could agree on doing, we'd never go out.} ;) so, yesterday, it was bowling. next sunday - my choice - we're going to the ballard farmer's market after church, to buy produce and otherwise enjoy the sights and smells and sounds.

allie came over last night and scrapbooked with me... i didn't get much done, but we also did a little shopping at target, and faked a berry cobbler {berries, stewed together with sugar, dropped in a casserole dish and topped with my favorite shortcake recipe. who knew??} so i guess we weren't entirely unproductive.

so, i suppose that's it... more later. ;) i'll check to see if any of my pictures from the wedding actually came out.

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