Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Wanted: One good night's sleep.

What a weekend, and the busyness just doesn't seem to stop! I left work in an all-fired hurry Friday night, because Nikki had gone to the hospital with regular contractions and leaking amniotic fluid, and we were sure that the baby was on her way... By 5pm, the hospital had let her go - not dialated enough to be kept - but they told her not to go too far. Since she lives so far from the hospital, we invited her back to our house. Matt was already home, with David, having picked him up from the hospital, so I met them all at home. The boys played video games, and Nikki and I decided that shopping would be best. We started at Toys 'R' Us and Target, then progressed to Babies 'R' Us and then to JoAnns. I bought a handful of things she needed for the baby, in lieu of a shower gift, so that she would have more of the stuff she couldn't live without, should the baby be born before the shower date, and picked up a handful of pretty beads to make a bracelet I've been longing to create for her... (Will post pictures later.)

Got home late, and started crafting. We were up until nearly 1am, working on stuff for Matt's birthday party (not posting details, for fear of him stumbling across this - the details are a surprise! I'll post pictures afterwards.) I'm very happy with how it's coming along.

I woke up before 8am Saturday morning, much to my chagrin. David had trouble breathing and coughing during the middle of the night, so Nikki and I decided we should drive to her house and get his medicines. We loaded up, taking David with us so that Matt could do some homework and headed out for the long drive to Lakewood. On our way home, we stopped at a craft outlet store and a children's consignment shop... Any time on our feet could help induce labor, so we were game.

Back at home, Nikki and I decided coffee would be a plus, so we walked to Starbucks, and to Larry's Market to acquire Castor Oil (another induction trick) and juice (to cover the texture of the oil). That didn't go over so well. Oil and water don't mix. Oil and orange juice don't mix. What were these people thinking? No matter what she did, it was like drinking vegetable oil straight.

Looking for an excuse to walk more, we returned to JoAnns, and then visited a dollar store, looking for anything even remotely fitting our party theme.

Ready for dinner, we met the boys at Azteca, where Nikki, a veritable wimp to spice, astonished us all by downing several jalepeno slices and abnormal quantities of salsa (spicy foods: yet another induction trick). At home, we talked the boys into a short walk through the neighborhood, but when they were ready to be home, we weren't done walking. Around 10pm, we headed to University Village, most of which was closed, but it was well-lit and patrolled by security. We practically did laps. It felt good, but the scenery got old after a while, and then we got tired. Her contractions increased, and the faster we walked, the more regular and closer the contractions were. We walked for nearly 2 and a half hours. Around 1am, the contractions hit about 10 minutes apart - the minimum for the hospital to admit her with - and we headed to the hospital, thankfully only 5 minutes away. They brought her into an exam room, and hooked her up... Unfortunately, our experience that night with the nursing staff was not great, and to add to our frustrations, the baby decided it just wasn't time. At about 3:40am, they released us and sent us home. Got to bed around 4am - slept like a rock.

Sunday was more relaxed... More shopping - yet another trip to JoAnns (open stock paper is 5 for $1, and calico prints were 40% off!!), and we went to Display & Costume, for party stuff, and Target, for fun. My feet begged for mercy, which could've been avoided by wearing different shoes, but we didn't stay out too long. Finally, we were home. We drug out the party stuff, sorted and packed it away to stay safe from prying eyes, then worked on miscellaneous projects - mostly party related... It's coming along smashingly - I'm quite excited! They stayed until 11pm, and we got so much accomplished, but boy, it felt good to hit the pillow.

Last night, I was out super late for a "midnight birthday celebration" for one of the off-hours guys at work. It was fun, but another late night, adding to my lack of sleep. I think I'll be going to bed early tonight. With my luck, this would be the night the baby decides to show up!

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