Thursday, May 26, 2005

all quiet on the western front...

life has been pretty quiet for the last couple of days, which is why i suppose i'm not posting much...

gearing up for matt's reversion to his old job... very excited.

gearing up for the long weekend... i'm attending an SU stamp camp, provided by my sister-in-law on saturday, but otherwise intend to clean the house, do some more yardwork, organize my office, be creative, and otherwise, stay out of the heat...

gearing up for the Basic Grey "Be Bold" contest, as well as Memory Makers Masters 2006... sounds like a good way to spend my summer...

gearing up for some big changes at work, though i don't know what they are yet... we have our quarterly mandatory staff meeting today, at noon, and i'm quite excited to hear what's coming down the pipe...

that's all, folks.

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