Monday, May 09, 2005

10 Stupid Things I Did As A Kid

1. Threw a rock at my step-sister because she cheated when we raced to get in line at the bus-stop. Incidentally, I hit her right in the head (funny, as I have terrible aim!) and had to bribe her to not tell our parents. Age 8.

2. Lodged a pussy willow up my nose at afore-mentioned bus-stop... Got it out before anything to terribly embarrassing happened. Age 9.

3. Stole chocolate chips from the pantry, and lied about it. Age 7.

4. Slammed my finger in the car door. That hurt. Alot. Age 4.

5. Jumped on my grandmother's guest bed, fell off, and cracked the back of my head open on the nightstand. That hurt too. Much more, if I recall correctly. Age 4.

6. Wore stretch pants. Age uh... ok, pretty much up through 5th grade.

7. Insisted on blowing a LOT of money (ok, $80, but I was in 5th grade!) on a perm, which didn't end up at ALL like I wanted it to, and resulted in my friends and family referring to me as "Curly Sue" for weeks. Age 10.

8. Tried to convince my parents to let me change my name to "Jessica" because my step-sister managed to rhyme "Kathryn" with "Bathroom"... That is, until they started calling me "Messy Jessy"... Age 8.

9. Was so in love with this boy that barely knew me that I wanted to get "married" (you know, the second-grade kind of marriage... okay, maybe you don't know... maybe it's just me... nothing I can say will make this sound any less dumb). Age 7.

10. Pined away over so many boys, which resulted in so many hearbreaks. Age 7 through 19.

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