Friday, March 17, 2006

my HOF entry

okay, you saw it here first. ;) this is not everything - just what i've already got scanned. incidentally, one of my coolest layouts ended up being terribly difficult to scan, so i may not get around to posting it; and apparently i've hof06t the pictures of my memory keepsake (assignment G?) project. also, the journaling is not visible on most due to size, but i'll try to give you the gist with each photo. so here it is, folks, 7 of 10:

photography assignment
journaling discusses my neice's ability to occupy herself with the simplest of pleasures.

product usage assignment
journaling blurb is about my love of fall.

journaling assignment
journaling discusses how unexpectedly hof06ing my aunt taught me to value my family.

trendwatch assignment
journaling discusses my nephew's favorite part of our mexican cruise: the swimming pool...

journaling tells that this quilt is a family heirloom, which i chose from my great-grandmother's estate.

journaling discusses the 200,000 words in common use in the english language, and how just one perfect sums up how i feel about my neice.

journaling discusses how thankful i am that my grandfather passed down his love of photography to my father, who passed it on to me.

thanks for looking. :) happy friday!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE how the quilt page turned out! It looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Excellent entry! YOu do really beautiful work.