Friday, March 17, 2006

are you wearing green?

my irish ancestors are rolling over in their graves. i totally forgot. got to work, went to google something, and noticed their image. where would i be without google images announcing the major (and the less major) holidays? but, i'm not alone. so far - only two staff members (my bosses) are wearing green today, and one is totally by accident.

my spirits are a bit higher today. it took a rough afternoon, and a nice dinner (and a couple of drinks) and a relaxing evening at home and my outlook on life today is vastly improved.

i am still taking the HOF results very well... it helps that my camera comes on monday. i didn't *really* expect to win - though i definitely had a better chance than last year! i'll post my entry later today or tomorrow.

what to do with myself this weekend? well, there's a mountain of laundry to fold (why is it that when i skip just one week of folding, we're back to where we started with the pileage?) and there's still some spring cleaning to do (though i'm not nearly as motivated as i was last weekend) and i definitely want to get some scrapbooking time in! all of that, plus teaching the kids on sunday - i do believe this will be a nice weekend.

tonight for dinner, i'm making rachael ray's "you won't be single for long vodka cream sauce" with pasta and asparagus spears. sounds so yummy and i'm really in a pasta-y mood tonight.

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