Friday, March 10, 2006

hello friday!

i love fridays. last week's plan of watching manor house while folding laundry sounds pretty good for tonight, too, so that will likely be the highlight of my evening - unless i can talk matt into an outing. i'm feeling like mexican for dinner.

i suppose the weekend is shaping up to be a bit of a busy one. a trip to the gym in the morning followed by, ideally, a few backbreaking hours of spring cleaning. i hope the weather's nice enough to inspire me - i made the mistake of looking under the couch last night. it seems we've an infestation of dustbunnies. also need to fit in some grocery shopping and a trip to paperzone (all business, no shopping intended...).

after church on sunday, we'll head into town to see my mom's choir perform at Benaroya Hall with two other choirs for their annual classical concert. i'm really looking forward to the music selections, and they've never sung at Benaroya before (and i've never been there) so it should be exciting.

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