Wednesday, April 20, 2005

"God bless you"

What sweet, simple words... Today, on the phone with a customer, he panicked because his site had been shut off and asked me if he'd lose any of his data... I reassured him that it was only a billing issue and that his data would be completely restored. His response "Oh, God bless you". Not "Bless you", not "Bless your heart", no cute rendition of that phrase, but the full sweetness of "God bless you".

I don't know if he really meant it, or even if he understood the weight of his words and the effect they would have on me, and even used in such casual conversation, with a stranger no less, these words had a profound impact on me. I often wonder if God can use the things we say to other people, even if we don't realize what we're saying, to affect them for the better.

I wish I said this more, and really meant it. I wish that I could meaningfully say "God bless you" in casual conversation. Maybe I'll try this today. I wonder what the reaction will be?

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