Wednesday, April 20, 2005

All that hard work paid off!

Late last week, I discovered a call on ScrapSubmit for, looking for a new team of reviewers to ease the workload of the senior team. Realizing that I only had a few days, I put my nose to the grindstone and worked all day Saturday and most of Sunday, preparing 6 projects, and two product reviews, as well as answering several questions about myself for the application. The process was hard work, but it was enjoyable.

With a sigh of relief, Sunday night, I submitted my work. The deadline was Monday, but I wouldn't know the outcome until Wednesday. Monday, I started checking my email with expectation, hoping that we'd hear early results. Tuesday, I grew more anxious as the day went on, hoping for an email, a voicemail, anything... No word. Wednesday, it was all-out insanity. I was impatient, anxious, worried, nothing short of obsessive. Finally, giving up hope, I calmed down. I was checking my email and voicemail less. Late in the afternoon, I looked in on my email just to see what was new, and there it was... one beautiful, glowing email from the leader of the pack, asking me to join, as the alternate. I was so excited, my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach, my eyes lost the ability to focus and my brain couldn't quite comprehend what I was reading. After moments of this "scrapbooking ecstasy", I regained composure, and gleefully accepted the offer to "audition" with the team in May.

I'm so excited! My first big break! :)

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