Monday, June 19, 2006

happy monday...

i've always heard the warnings from embittered married couples about how from the moment you get married, people will start to ask when you plan to have children, and you'll find yourself answering the question 10 times a day, and so you'd better plan your witty repartee now.

we didn't have that experience. i mean - the occasional friend or acquaintance asks out of curiosity when it comes up in conversation - but never rudely or presumptiously. (perhaps it's because most thought we were awfully young to marry, and think they best not plant the idea of babies in our little minds, lest we take the idea and run with it... right...)

so i giggled to myself yesterday - we were standing in the parking lot after church, and our senior pastor's father (a retired pastor, himself) approached us to ask a favor of matt... as he left he said "happy father's day... maybe next year for you?" we laughed a little... it's been two years already - hard to believe - and plenty of couples start having kids around this point in their marriage... but really, we're not in *that* much of a hurry. oh, and there's the whole we-want-to-buy-a-house-first-and-so-can't-afford-it-now-so-what-makes-us-think-a-
baby-would-be-a-good-idea thing. so yeah, we're waiting a few more years.

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