Wednesday, April 26, 2006

wednesday ramblings...

whatever marketing fool thought up the catch phrase "ya gotta love these guys" clearly never sat through 7 innings of sheer agony, ending in a 13-3 loss in the 9th, due entirely to terrible pitching on behalf of our starting, mid-game and closing pitchers. i've never seen such terrible pitch counts... a decent pitcher throws about twice as many strikes as he does balls, and our pitching staff was throwing about 1:1 last night. painful. i feel for them though: i want them to have a fabulous season. we don't have to win the world series, but geez - a little morale boost would be good. i do love them. really, i do. but come ON. i don't feel as though i "gotta".

but it was still fun, and i enjoyed a little quality time with my grandfather, a life-long baseball fan.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it just so typical though that they won Monday and then last night? But not Tuesday? :) I'm sorry Kate! Maybe when I'm home they'll win more than three in a row and we can grab some bleacher seats on a random work night. Whatya say?

Cathy said...

I didn't know you were in Seattle... color me surprised!

Sorry it was such a painful game. MLB games can be SO slow and boring - especially if you're on the losing end.