Friday, April 28, 2006

friday randomness...

randomness #1 (or, the piece that inspired a random post)


apparently, there is a new movement (no pun intended) of a style of photography called "kinetic photography"... and no, i don't mean doing leg lifts while taking photos. casually, they call it "camera tossing" and while the resulting images are very interesting... i just can't imagine "tossing" my camera anywhere... let alone just to get a picture.

so i'm totally digging the satugo (See. Aim. Throw. captUre & Go.) - a relatively inexpensive alternative to throwing my dRebel across the room in the name of creative photography... amazing, huh?

randomness #2

it's friday. i can't stop yawning. mostly in anticipation of having to get up in the middle of the night tonight for my shift of our 24 event at church.

randomness #3

have you ever played Bunco before? we're going to a young married event at church tonight to play Bunco. i only know that there are dice involved...

randomness #4

we *really* need to work on the yard this weekend... mowing. weeding. general clean-up. it's kinda embarrassing.

randomness #5

i'm amazed at how many scrapbookers know how long it takes them to make a layout. i've been scrapbooking compulsively for 3 years now, and i've never really stopped to keep track of it. last night, i did a layout, start to finish - from gathering photo, supplies and idea - in about an hour. but i used a basic sketch idea i'd had a couple of weeks ago, and already used on a layout (which i didn't even realize until i was half-way through the 2nd and noticed that i was headed in the same direction) - so does that really count as only an hour?

randomness #6

i just finished the bookwork for my Apologetics class... now i have to write a mean paper and get through the exam. love this program, but it's gotten much harder over the last two years. excited by the prospect of finishing the whole thing. (still several months away, i'm afraid.)

randomness #7

i need some spring/summer clothes and penney's is having a killer sale today. i'm thinking a peasant skirt (feeling girly) and a few lightweight tops. yummy.

ok, that's it. sorry i'm not very interesting today. maybe i'll feel more interesting later. ;)

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