Wednesday, April 12, 2006

do you ever feel like...

all of the good ideas are "taken"?

in the scrapbooking industry, like fashion, keeping up with the trends can be quite the challenge, because they're ever-changing. in publishing, there's this constant requirement to be "fresh" and "new" and "unique". because i spend a *lot* of time in online galleries and reading magazines, i'm very aware that many of the techniques and ideas i use in my projects have been "done before". i see new ideas and i think "now why couldn't *i* have thought that up?"

so, i'm beginning to feel like there are no new ideas left. they've all been used up. know what i mean? it's frustrating, really. i love to scrapbook, but i sit down with blank paper and some yummy products and everything i think of feels like something that i've already used. how in the world do i keep up?

1 comment:

Hillary for President said...

i so know what you mena. I just scan, but great pot. WOW