Tuesday, April 04, 2006

cute baby alert.

my itsy bitsy neice kassidy - (who is not so itsy bitsy anymore!) - is 10 1/2 months now. she's got quite the personality, the cutest hair, and the most beautiful, heart-wrenching blue eyes.

i wish it was a little more in focus... but now you see my need for a new lens, right? *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

i can't wait to take more photos of her this weekend with her big brother, for an easter photo shoot.

tune in later today - i have some tidbits to share about some of the fun we'll be having on thursday, my blogiversary. :)


Anonymous said...

She is TOOOOO cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. The last time I saw her she was still in a carrier. Standing up and everything! That went by fast (well I can't say that for Nikki since I wasn't the one with her everyday) hahaha. CUTIE!

So... you gonna keep your old camera? Thought about it yet? ;) How much are these lenses you speak of? :)