Monday, December 26, 2005

a quick hello...

and a belated merry christmas. we've just returned from a long weekend, and while matt has the whole week off, i return to the office tomorrow, when i'd rather be curled up on the couch with one of the delicious new scrapbooking books i received.

christmas was nice, but as always, i'm suffering from that post-holiday slump, when my inner child hangs onto every last bit of christmas, singing still to christmas songs on the radio, and refusing to take down the tree for at least two more weeks. (or so.)

i've just finished separating out our goodies, his to his office, mine to mine. hopefully i'll find a way to put away all of my new toys, preferably before my best friend comes over friday for the twice-annual (ok, quarterly) reorganization of my scrap room.but for now, i'm feeling under the weather, and working hard to find the energy to make dinner, and of course, to find something about the coming of spring to look forward to... blech.

lots to tell you all about, but not until later.

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