Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mexico, Day 1

Oh, how we have waited for this trip! Initially, I felt anxious because we'd have to make arrangements for Boy and I didn't want to leave him, having made so many strides recently. But as we finalized the details for his care, I grew increasingly excited and ready for our vacation.

We honeymooned in Puerto Vallarta nearly 9 years ago (wow!) but this time, it's a family trip with my mom and stepdad, celebrating their 10th anniversary. Every 5 years, they've flown all of us to somewhere fun.

We were up early this morning and on a plane for the short trip to PVR. Matt and I had the last row of the plane to ourselves, which was lovely, but meant we were the last off the plane and through immigration. By the time we got to baggage claim, we couldn't find any sign of our flight and I was nearing tears when we heard a man calling "Kath-a-rine? Kath-a-rine?" in his thick accent, and found a baggage handler holding my suitcase - obviously the only one left from our flight. Whew.

We taxied to our resort and were stunned by its magnificence. Gated entrance, atop a hill, with a lavish beauty. The moment we stepped out of the taxi, we were greeted with beverages on a silver tray, and a bagboy who insisted that we were on vacation and must not handle our bags. Ok, then!!

Our room is gorgeous - possibly the loveliest place we've ever stayed. We settled in and then headed down to find a late lunch and a dip in the water. It seemed apropos that our first "dip" should be in the ocean, not the pool, so we headed for the beach, enjoying the rough waves and the silky sand.

Mom & Bob's room has a swim-up veranda/patio, so we spent some time in their pool until it was time to get ready for dinner. I've always thought I'd prefer cruises over resorts, but it definitely feels less crowded here, and far more comfortable.

Dinner was at one of the many restaurants at the resort. This was a buffet with so many options, it was hard to be choosy. After dinner, we wandered the resort, taking in a bit of a fire/drum show on the beach and enjoying the stars. Looking forward to tomorrow!

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