[This is part 3 of a series highlighting each goal of our NEXTgeneration Kids Ministry Leadership team for 2011-2012. See part 1 and part 2.]
This goal doesn't really stand on it's own - it's the result of our participation in the first two goals. When God made clear to me the goals we would set, He identified that if we do the first two (Building our team as a team and serving with greater excellence), He would bring more kids to us, entrusting them to us, so that we could combine our awesome team with our A-game excellence to help them discover, trust and love Jesus.
That is why our work on the first two goals is so crucial.
We haven't officially "met" those goals yet - they're a bit ongoing, aren't they? But we are seeing progress.
And you know what? We're seeing progress on this 3rd goal too. When we put the goals to paper in June, we were averaging 87 kids each week. In October so far, we've averaged 97 kids each week. That's progress, my friends. That's progress.
Keep up the good work.