Friday, January 14, 2011

30 things before i turn 30

Just before I turned 25, I made a list of 25 things to do in my 25th year.

(For the nitpicky and detail-oriented, it would've technically been my 26th year, since you turn an age at the end of a year of life, not the other way around, but whatever.)

I was marginally successful. There were a few things that lost priority for various reasons (like, instead of a new camera, we bought a house), and others that just became impossible, and still others that I lost interest in. And that's okay. By the end of the year, I'd accomplished about 14 of them, and made very good attempts at 3-4 others. Not bad, especially considering some of them were mighty ambitious and even expensive.

Now, I'm quickly approaching 30 - two years away - and instead of waiting until next year to tackle a list of 30 things, I thought to myself, "Self, why not spread that list out over the course of two years?"

The list is not yet complete - and I'm giving myself permission to not complete it now. Part of what killed enthusiasm on my 25 Things list was that some of those things were hair-brained ideas, and if I have 100 ideas a minute, only 3 of them will last more than 5 minutes...

Without further ado, here it is - my list of 11 (going on 30) things to do before I turn 30:
  1. Grow tomatoes. Successfully.
  2. Pay off our debt.
  3. Go on a road trip.
  4. Finish a quilt!
  5. Go on a cruise.
  6. Make a dress for "Dress A Girl Around the World"
  7. Finish Bible school. (Heh. This was on my list of 25 Things as well.)
  8. Be ordained.
  9. Learn to crochet.
  10. Host a tea party.
  11. Take my nieces to the Imagine Children's Museum (I know that this sounds like I'm doing it for them, but really, I've wanted to go there forever, and they're my excuse!)

Will add more later, for sure.


Lori (Mom) said...

Hey! Item #4. This summer. :)

Lori (Mom) said...

I meant #3.