Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Reverb10 - Prompt28

December 28 – Achieve. What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write that feeling down... (More at Reverb10.com)

I have an annual routine of planning goals for the coming year each December. Generally, I choose about 6 goals - usually 3 professional and 3 personal. While I did choose 6 this year, one stands out above the rest as a tad hairy and audacious... It's do-able for sure, it just feels hairy and audacious because it's been on my plate for nearly 10 years.

This year, I will complete my remaining 3 Bible classes and apply for ordination.

I received my credentials to preach a little more than two years ago, but I began the three year program shortly after I turned 18. And I joke about how I "never finish anything". It's time to finish this.

I think I'll feel relieved. If we'd had kids before I finished this, I might never finish it. I think I'll feel proud of myself - not in a haughty way, but simply pleased that I accomplished something. I know I'll feel "done". I've wanted that feeling - to be done - for years. I'm ready for it.

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