Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 In Review...

  • Celebrated my 27th birthday with a whole week of fun. Three syllables. Sounds so much older than two.

  • Welcomed our nephew, Kole, into the world.
  • Took the first course in training for foster/adoption. Not sure if this will lead anywhere, but it may, eventually and in God's time.
  • Sold a bunch of stuff on craigslist. Yay!
  • My aunt, JoDee, visited from Turkey.

  • Took a few key leaders on our team to the NW Ministry Conference - my favorite conference of the year!

  • Worked together with MLT businesses for the first MLT Egg Hunt. Fun & simple way to serve our community!
  • Visited the Tulip Fields with Marisa & the girls.
  • Took Matt's mom on a "Mother's Day Picnic" with Marisa & the girls at Ballard Locks.

  • Joined the camp leadership team to help with planning games.

  • Surprised my dad to celebrate his 50th birthday.

  • Had our first sleep-over visit with the girls! Crafts and baking!
  • Spent the 4th of July at the Lakehouse with the family.
  • Took 14 kids to summer camp.
  • Took a trip in the Kayak with mom down the Skagit River from Sedro Wooley to Mount Vernon.

  • Celebrated 6 years of marriage.
  • Said goodbye to my kitty, Fugue, after a long battle with a sinus issue that had turned cancerous.

  • Celebrate with our friends Michael & Lani as they welcomed their first, Gideon, into the world.
  • Built & launched "Club56" - a new way to minister to our 5th & 6th graders.
  • Began my first consulting relationship with another church looking to grow their Children's Ministry.

  • Joined a book club.
  • Had the girls over to spend the night.
  • Worked with MLT area businesses to host a Trunk 'r Treat.

  • Finished my 3rd class for this year, meeting my school goal! 3 more to go!
  • Crazy snowstorm the week of Thanksgiving cancelled my first attempt at hosting the big dinner! Went to mom's instead - went sledding for the first time AND played golf in the snow!

  • Learned that my aunt, JoDee & her husband, Paul, will be moving "home" - well, to the west coast at least, to California. Good enough for me!
  • Babysat Gideon for the first time. Man, he's cute, and now my confidence with babies is so much stronger!
  • Rearranged our pre-K&K classrooms to accommodate our awesome growth.
  • Flu knocked me out 4 days before Christmas, putting me 2 days behind in preparations for just about anything...
  • Had the girls for three days, two nights. Swimming, Christmas lights, crafts, baking, cooking, playing!
  • Had planned a special New Year's Eve party for my mom's 50th birthday, but the Worst Migraine Ever caused her to call it off yesterday. Instead, we drove north and met them near the Lakehouse for dinner.
  • Rang in the New Year with Michael, Lani & Gideon.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Reverb10 - Prompt28

December 28 – Achieve. What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write that feeling down... (More at

I have an annual routine of planning goals for the coming year each December. Generally, I choose about 6 goals - usually 3 professional and 3 personal. While I did choose 6 this year, one stands out above the rest as a tad hairy and audacious... It's do-able for sure, it just feels hairy and audacious because it's been on my plate for nearly 10 years.

This year, I will complete my remaining 3 Bible classes and apply for ordination.

I received my credentials to preach a little more than two years ago, but I began the three year program shortly after I turned 18. And I joke about how I "never finish anything". It's time to finish this.

I think I'll feel relieved. If we'd had kids before I finished this, I might never finish it. I think I'll feel proud of myself - not in a haughty way, but simply pleased that I accomplished something. I know I'll feel "done". I've wanted that feeling - to be done - for years. I'm ready for it.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Reverb10 - Prompt 27

December 27 – Ordinary Joy. Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year? (More at

In my line of "work", it's a fairly common occurrence, baptism. I suppose you could call it ordinary. And yet, no baptism is ordinary. Each is different - representing a different story, and more importantly, the soul of a different child of God.

Baptism becomes particularly special to me when it's one of "my own" kids in the tank - a child I've watched grow up in our church, whose eyes I've seen light up at the realization of God's goodness, whom I've had the pleasure of pastoring, loving and praying over.

In July, Shailyn was baptized. I didn't know her quite as well as I know many, as her family had just begun attending our church several months earlier. But I could see in her a real love for Jesus, and she had a story. As she shared with the church, bravely and thoughtfully, why she was choosing to follow Jesus, I cried as I thought to myself "this is why I do it."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reverb10 - Prompt 14

December 14 – Appreciate. What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? (More at

You know what they say about how you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family? It's true about your spouse too. You can pick your spouse, but you can't pick is family. They're a package deal.

I have to admit that, with all the in-law jokes and stereotypes, I really didn't do too badly in this department. After all, I got a sister that I never had, who has given us two beautiful nieces. And this year, I've really come to appreciate my mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law is a deeply caring person, and I know she labors in prayer for us. She has known hurt in her life, and she deeply desires to spare her children from the painful road that she has walked. She looks for ways to help us, and often blesses us at the most needed times. She's always glad to see us, she never makes us feel guilty for not visiting more (we can do that ourselves!), and she'll put down anything to talk to us. She is dedicated, for sure, and I so appreciate her love and counsel.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Reverb10 - Prompt6

December 6 – Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? (More at

I make with such regularity that it hardly seems worth posting. I opened iphoto to look for a snapshot of something I've made recently, and the first photo looking back at me was this - my goofy nieces (who can't both take a good picture at the same time) in their Halloween costumes.

I usually shy away from sewing with patterns, because I hate tedium, and all the careful cutting and matching is very tedious. But who am I to resist a little challenge, especially when it comes to making these girls so happy? Marisa bought the fabric and the pattern and I did the (very hard) work.

Sweet little nurses in scrubs. They borrowed mommy's stethoscope and blood pressure cuff. And because I couldn't help myself, I even made matching trick-or-treat bags.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Reverb10 - Prompt 5

December 5 - Prompt: Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (More at

Just last week, Matt and I were playing a game when the dice rolled under the couch. He quickly climbed down onto the floor to locate it, and in the process, retrieved several missing cat toys. Among the recovered treasure was Fugue's husky.

Fugue loved to hunt, and frequently could be heard wandering the house announcing his latest kill with a muffled meow (talking with our mouths full is muffling, after all). The husky was his favorite, a little four inch stuffed dog that used to belong to Matt until Fugue adopted it as his own. I hadn't seen the husky in months.

We said goodbye to Fugue in August, after a long battle against a sinus issue that eventually manifested itself as cancer. For days afterwards, I would hear his meow in the house... and then remember that he wasn't really there. I miss him, and finding the little husky brought it all back.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Reverb10 - Prompt 4

December 4 - Prompt: Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? (More at

In my experience, wonder is cultivated when we put life on pause. Catching a snowflake and examining it up close. Turning off the TV to sit next to the lit-up Christmas tree, in the peace and quiet. Watching the waves roll and pondering how no two are identical. Stopping to admire a rainbow. Considering the complexity of the human (and animal) body. Taking a break to play on the floor with some kids. Using the word "wow" liberally, to remind yourself to appreciate differences, uniqueness and - well - wonderment. This is how I cultivate wonder in my life - simply by putting life on pause.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Reverb10 - Prompt 1

December 1 – One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (More at

The one word that encapsulates 2010: Focus. This year has been challenging in many ways, all of which come back to my focus. When I have allowed myself to get distracted, I struggle against the tides of disappointment (past), discontent (present) and despair (future). But when I am focused, on what God has given me and what God has for me right now, life is meaningful and fulfilling. That's what I wish for my every day.

My word for 2011 will be: Contentment. Not far from "focus", contentment is a valuable asset to me. When I am focused on the right target, I am content. In this year ahead, I want to live in contentment, not longing for what I don't have, what I feel I lack, but simply content.

"...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:11-13