Friday, January 01, 2010

december in review...

  • crafted like crazy. barely finished it all in time for the holiday.
  • wasn't quite as prepared for christmas as last year. oh well, not every year can be a real winner.
  • met mark driscoll from mars hill. cool guy. i've always admired his teaching. we don't see eye-to-eye on everything, but that's not what matters.
  • blew up a bottle of soda in kids church. that makes for the best teaching ever.
  • went to the ladies ornament exchange at church. quite fun.
  • dabbled in mystery shopping. still not sure if i'll keep doing it or not... but was a good learning experience.
  • cut about 4" of my hair off.
  • continued working through E3, creekside's spiritual growth initiative. am learning a lot about God and myself.
  • went to court to discuss a little traffic ticket i received. thank the Lord for deferrals, and the judge who struck fear of traffic laws right back into the hearts of every citizen in that room.
  • celebrated the birth of my dear friends' first baby. they're single-handedly responsible for starting the "let's buy a house" trend which caught on with all the young marrieds' at our church, so let's hope they're the start of the next baby wave as well.
  • spoke to the kids at the christmas eve services on the difference between joy and happiness, using flash paper and a candle as a visual. was fun, but the real highlight was that my mom, grandparents and even bob's mom came too.
  • reorganized my craft room. yay.
  • changed up our christmas celebration traditions - christmas eve dinner was at mom's, and we spent the night, our first christmas, in our own home.
  • am currently thoroughly enjoying a week's vacation. have deep cleaned a few rooms, organized a few things, crafted quite alot, and read even more.
  • am ensconced in a book called "the light and the glory", the history of God's plan for and hand in America. i love history, i love God. good combo.
  • celebrated mom's birthday today by going to see the new penguin exhibit at the zoo, which included brunch before and afternoon tea afterwards. what a lovely day!
  • rang in the new year with our dear friends. waaay past my bedtime. i'm afraid i'm just not any fun after 11pm.

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