Friday, November 02, 2007

welcome, november...

feeling like we had a near-perfect halloween - though not as many trick-or-treaters as we would've liked. marisa stopped by with the girls, and we walked around the block with them, trick-or-treating. becca has it all figured out, but is still learning the rules. beth is not quite sure, but knows candy is involved, and is game for anything. both had fun and didn't even take their coats off when we got back to our house before plopping on my dining room floor to peer inside their candy buckets.

mike & lani came for dinner. we'd both planned something pumpkin-y and decided it would be more fun to eat together. she made amazing pumpkin ravioli with wilted spinach and gorgonzola sauce, and i made pumpkin-curry soup with fresh foccacia. all homemade, all delicious. we played apples-to-apples and ate candy for dessert (big surprise). not nearly enough trick-or-treaters - i was trying to get rid of the leftover candy from sunday's costume party, had a big basketful. we only opened the door three times (four, if you count the girls, and in hindsight - i was not nearly liberal enough in giving them treats!) so i still had half of a basketful by the end of the night. i really want that stuff out of my house...

so there goes october and november has arrived. i'm looking forward to a relatively quiet month, and thanks to some excellent advance-planning in terms of shopping and finances, should be able to finish up our christmas shopping this month. my hope is that a lovely november will lead into a more relaxed, well-prepared december.

i have an eye appointment tonight for new glasses. this is hugely exciting for me. i've had these glasses since just a few months after i met matt... almost 5 years. definitely time for new ones.

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