Monday, August 13, 2007

a big week...

i'm looking forward to a big week this week.

wednesday marks our 3-year anniversary. can you believe it? i can't.

friday will be our first "vacation" since i took this position with our church. it's hard to steal away for a weekend. but we made it work. i couldn't do it without my fabulous team of volunteers that agreed to work a little "overtime" so i could have a day off. so grateful for them.

one of the things i love about anniversaries is the traditional gift "suggestions". we've always let that list be inspiration for our gifts, but we definitely let our creativity run with it. (i wonder who created that list, anyway? probably hallmark...) and usually, for matt, i get a small gift that stays true to the tradition, and another gift that is something he'll actually want/use.

so, the mighty list says that year 3 should be commemorated with leather, crystal or glass. i found him a nice leather tri-fold wallet with a cross burnt into the front, (no, he doesn't read my blog.) and then paired it with a cool t-shirt from a collection of funky T's with Christian messages that he's been into. what i'm most proud of is not the gift itself - but the fact that i had purchased and wrapped it 5 days before our actual anniversary. yay. go me!

and when he said "wow. leather, glass and crystal. sounds painful. any suggestions?" i reminded him that the list is for inspiration, not a requirement: "go with something sparkly. stay away from leather."

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