Friday, July 13, 2007

what a week!

it's been an exhausting one, and the heat made it a real challenge. wednesday brought us 98 degrees, which is fine when i'm comfortably chained to my air-conditioned desk all day, but not so great when i'm in our house that has it's own air-flow problems (as in: there is none). we were too tired to go to community group, so we went for a dip in the lake instead. we weren't the only ones with that idea - it was a zoo!

matt's been on the job hunt for several months now. it took us a while to figure out exactly what his experience will allow him to do, and what is too much of a stretch for now. this week brought a few interviews with an organization, and it sounds like we might have some news before monday...

i'm in the vacation mindset - not planning, but re-living. a few weeks ago, i got a wild hair to make a scrapbook (sorta) of the trip to kauai that i took with my best friend several years ago. i had to sort through my film (yes, film!) and have reprints made (which i promptly scanned for future use). i brought back a bunch of sand and seashells from our trip (they have the most unique sand there...) which i've had in big jars in my bathroom forever. i'm toying with the idea of making a little beach scene in a corked bottle...

that's it for me. off to meet up with a friend. i'll leave you with a few more fireworks photos:

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