Wednesday, November 29, 2006


yoga leggings - $19.99
jeans - $39.99
tank top #1 - $9.99
tank top #2 - $9.99
fleece hoodie - $19.99
pair of socks #1 - $3
pair of socks #2 - $3
solid shoes with good tread - $24.99
down jacket - $69.99
chenille earband - $4.99
wool hat - $15
little scarf - (handmade gift)
big scarf - $20
really bad hat hair - (free)

barely noticing that it's 18 degrees out as i hoof it to and from bus stops: priceless.

{oh, and lest you think we're just a bunch of wusses - that photo was taken sunday, shortly after it started snowing. there's far more accumulation now!!}

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