Tuesday, October 31, 2006

happy halloween!

can you believe it's already the end of october?? just last week, i remarked at how surprising a difference a few days can make in the daylight as i leave for work when the days grow shorter at this time of year. this morning, it was equally surprising - broad daylight as i walked to the bus, entirely due to daylight savings. and yet, dusk arrives well before i leave the office, and leaves me walking home on most days after dark. i love everything about this season - except the shorter days.

and it's cold out too - 29 degrees last night, barely reaching 48 degrees today. i finally gave in and pulled out a sweater from my closet - one i haven't worn since last winter. it fits so differently, so much better now. i think i need to invest in some long-sleeve t-shirts and embrace the layered look, else i'll have to replace my entire wardrobe.

the extent of my "costume" today is a pair of sequined cat ears that i picked up at joann's a few weeks ago - and how could i not?? if we take our neices trick-or-treating tonight, i may very well break out the eyeliner and add whiskers and a nose.

and while it's only halloween, today i begin my yearly project of selecting our corporate christmas card. i thought i was totally ahead of the game, until i flipped back through my records and realized that i started this on october 19th last year... oh well. ;)

otherwise, life is straightening out, and we're preparing ourselves for the onslaught of the holiday season. maybe i'll have some photos tomorrow!

Monday, October 30, 2006


it wasn't really my intention to go missing, but then - i guess i haven't been gone all that long if you don't count the weekend...

today, i find myself wishing that stress burned calories - don't you? i mean - my cats shed fur when experiencing undue stress, why can't i shed pounds? mostly, i'd like to burn more calories when i'm stressed, because i'm stressed now - and i really want a snickers bar. *sigh*

but i've hit a new high (or is that a 'low') in my weightloss: 36 pounds. wooohoo. so i'll do my best to distract myself from the candybar in the next room that has been calling my name since 1pm.

family circumstances have made the last week a rough one for us. long, long story cut very short: matt's family needs prayer - and a lot of it. if you pray, would you please lift up - specifically - his parents and his sister?

and on top of that, my work situation... i have to make a grown-up decision today that i don't want to make regarding circumstances that i wish i didn't even know about. would you pray that i will make the right moral, Godly decision?

on the upside, we housesat this weekend for my mom to keep her cute, cuddly little guy company. remember him?

well, he's not quite so tiny now. but he's certainly just as playful. when i arrived saturday, he had pulled a curtain rod bracket (and the attached rod & curtains) out of the wall, unraveled a ball of yarn *all* over the living room, and laid claim to a little stuffed penguin made out of my grandmother's felted wool. sunday morning, after i finished baking my stepsister's birthday cake, he helped himself to several large bites of said freshly baked cake. (and my first instinct was to blame my stepbrother... sorry, andy!)

ok, i guess that's all for today. toodles.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

pumpkin patch

if you've been reading for any length of time at all, you're all too familiar with my fascination and general appreciation for the fall season, so it should come as no surprise that i love pumpkin patches which are, to me, the ultimate symbol of the arrival of autumn.

saturday, matt & i drove north into everett to go to a patch simply called "the Farm". this was, by far, the most amazing production i've ever seen in terms of pumpkin patches. not only did it boast a gigantic patch littered with pumpkins in shades of red, green and orange, but it also featured a 12-acre corn maze shaped like washington state. a tractor-pulled hay ride drives you around the "oregon-washington border", into "idaho" and drops you off - then it's up to you, and your map, to follow any of the 250 actual highways to see the various landmarks of the state, and come out the other end at gray's harbor. in addition to the patch and the maze, the farm includes an 18-hole putting course, a "four little pigs" entertainment show, a beverage/snack bar, a bakery, petting farm, and a hay maze just for children. totally incredible! sure, it was mostly geared for kids, but us adults had an awfully good time - and we were comforted to see that we weren't the only childless couple there to play! a few (ok, a ton of) pictures to share:

{i'm not sure if thsoe pumpkins are there to make a point or not, but it reminds me a little of public hangin's in the town square or Henry VIII's fascination with beheading people and displaying their heads on a stick around the entrance to his castle.}

{doesn't this squash look just like a goose?? it even has a speck of dirt right where the eye would be...}

{fun little constructions marked the various washington landmarks. this, their rendition of our capital building in olympia, was among the most amusing. note the dome - made with a faux-ceramic flower pot turned upside-down.}

{this shot brings me dangerously close to singing showtunes from "Oklahoma!" - you know, with the corn being as high as an elephant's eye and all...}

on the way back to the freeway, i spotted a beautiful little scene i just had to photograph (see last two photos) - so i brought the car to a screeching halt on the side of the road, and sacrificed a bit of my dignity to run back up a cement overpass to take a picture... too bad matt forgot to bring his paper bag. ;)

Monday, October 23, 2006

monday, already?

it seems like it was just friday, really... and i'm amazed at how much of a difference 3 days make in the number of sunlight hours in our day. i rubbed the sleep from my eyes this morning, intrigued that it was just barely getting light outside, where as it had been near-complete daylight when i arose friday morning. it's throwing my body clock off.

an eventful weekend, really... saturday morning, i received a call from my mom that my step-dad's father, norm, had passed away friday night. i can't say it was unexpected: with a leaky heart valve and the other discomforts that come along with being 88 years old, the doctors had given him less than a year only a couple of short weeks ago. the family was able to say their goodbyes, and he will be fondly remembered.

not to jump too quickly to another subject, but moving along nonetheless, we celebrated rebecca's 3rd birthday on friday with a cinderella-themed party. she was supremely happy, the center of attention, and all decked out in accessories fit for a princess. i thought i'd share a few photos:

{a little bit of the royal treatment for the birthday princess from her cousin, david, whom she idolizes anyway}

{more of that royal treatment - i think we have a bit of a prince charming thing going on here!!}

{the birthday girl, gracing her royal subjects with a photo}

other weekend activities included teaching on sunday, our hot date to the pumpkin patch on saturday, and - you guessed it - wedding shopping!! things are coming along smashingly!

Friday, October 20, 2006

happy birthday rebecca!!

warning, warning!! this post contains a ton of photos.

my little niece turns 3 today!! i can still remember exactly where we were, what we were doing, and even what i was wearing when matt's mom called to tell us that the baby had arrived.

so, marisa and the girls came to play with us on tuesday. the girls donned their fancy "princess" dresses (rebecca's party tonight will be cinderella-themed) and were mostly good sports, except that i had to all-out bark like a dog to get elizabeth to look at the camera AND smile at the same time! after we'd finished the formal stuff on the backdrop, we took the girls to a nearby park and did a few more - fancy dresses and all! elizabeth enjoyed this half much more, not being restrained to sitting on a backdrop, as she was able to run around. i had tons of fun, and most definitely got some exercise chasing them around!

{the birthday girl, all dressed up in her pretty dress!}

{elizabeth, not interested in sitting still - or smiling - i had to resort to all-out barking like a dog to get this picture!}

{trying to escape...}

{a ham for the camera}

{trying to escape... again...}

{i hope this looks like a hug, because in reality, it was most definitely a chokehold!}

birthday party tonight, and a hot date to the pumpkin patch with matt tomorrow - so you can bet you'll get more photos on monday!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

hold that thought...

sorry - no photos yet... they're taking a little longer than expected, mostly because i'm being a little more finicky than expected. ;) but that's ok right? you'll be here tomorrow? i'll post then.

that's it for me! quiet day today, and i'm looking forward to a quiet evening at home tonight, and a new episode of grey's.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

a little wednesday randomness...

i'm sure you're simply on the edge of your seat, waiting with bated breath for what i might post next. riiight. i'm trying to decide if i'm truly "sorry" that i don't post more often - but i think i really am! i wish i had more to say, but for some strange reason, i feel almost as if every post needs to be accompanied by photographs in order to be worthy of reading. and (believe it or not), i just don't take that many pictures. (yeah, whatever.) so, enough of my internal musings, let's see if i can come up with something interesting enough to post about that doesn't require photos. ;)

i have not scrapbooked in weeks. i'm not sure how many weeks - but enough that i've lost count. in fact, i'm not even sure what the last page i scrapbooked was about... but that's ok - because i've been making up for it in other creative ways. wedding planning has included lots of creativity, so i most definitely don't mind devoting my creative energy to that. i've made a few cards, a few tags, and made a sad half-attempt to introduce a new organization system into my layout storage (more about that later).

LOST is on tonight - woohoo - but we're an episode behind. we watched the season premiere a few days late, and it has simply reached a whole new level of weird. i honestly don't know if we'll stick with it or not. anyway, we recorded last week's episode - and for the same reasons, we just haven't gotten around to watching it yet. i think we'll be firmly planted in front of the TV tonight in order to get caught up and see the new episode.

the photo shoot with my nieces was a blast yesterday. i got a handful of rebecca (3yrs) inside, but elizabeth (16mos) wouldn't have anything to do with sitting still. after nearly exhausting one 1GB memory card, we took the girls to our favorite nearby playground - 'formal' dresses and all - to do a few more. miss thang was much happier running about, and i was able to get a handful of photos of her too. so as to not tempt fate, we changed the girls into playclothes to let them play on the fabulous big toys. i'll post a few pictures tomorrow.

Monday, October 16, 2006

it's monday.


i'm not a fan of mondays. and my saturday was so busy that near the end, i decided i couldn't handle the same kind of sunday, so i cancelled half of my plans.

so anyway, saturday: matt & i watched david's soccer game, which was surprisingly fun. this peewee league plays 3-on-3, they don't keep score, and thus, there's no winner or loser. but man - those kids have fun. and so did we.

afterwards, i dropped matt off at his mom's and his sister and i took rebecca - my 3 year old neice - shopping. our mission was to find rebecca's sister, 16 month old elizabeth, a party dress for the cinderella/princess-themed birthday party we'll be having for rebecca on friday. mmmmm, baby clothes. they make the cutest stuff for kids these days.

spent the rest of the evening hanging out at matt's mom's, just enjoying the girls and visiting with marisa. decided we'd do a photo shoot of the girls in their party dresses - i'm super excited, as this is the first opportunity i've had to do a "real" shoot with them.

so, yep - that's it for me. i'm working on christmas presents lately. imagine that. ;) and wedding stuff, of course. :D wish i could show you the favors - but i suppose i should keep some stuff a surprise... ;)

Friday, October 13, 2006

the itch to stitch, and more farm photos...

i am so glad it's friday - but i'm sick again, and quite afraid that the worst part of the sick will fall on my weekend... bleh.

tonight, i get to do a little shopping - a birthday present for my neice who turns 3 next friday, and a little christmas shopping because stuff is on sale, and you know me - i love to start early.

tomorrow, to continue our "tour" of western-washington craft stores, we'll be hitting up the southcenter joann's and michael's for - you guessed it - wedding stuff! afterward, we'll watch my nephew's soccer game (photo op!!), and then i get to spend some time shopping with my sister-in-law.

earlier this week, while visiting my mother-in-law, i inherited several yards of fabric, including scraps of courdoroy leftover from when she used to make the boys' clothes (!), and some beautiful floral patterns including one that i dare call "vintage" (not to her face, of course). so, anyway: i smell a quilt coming on. ;)

and as promised, part 3 of my farm photos:

{the cool kids.}

{a random farm scene...}

{a random spigot...}

{my super-cool, abstract farm scene...}

happy friday! :)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

more farm photos...

part 2 of 3... :)

{barn kitty - good for keeping mice away.}

{these sheep just crack me up...}

{more funny sheep. :) }

{don't they look like a street gang?}

{and this, ladies & gentlemen, is my award winner of the day... i think i smell next year's fair entry!}

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

as promised, but a little late...

i promised these monday, but promptly decided i was too sick to stay at work. went home early, was out yesterday, and am just today getting back to my regular-old-self.

so, the background: my grandparents have been raising & showing sheep for most - if not all - of my life. annually, they hold a 'farm sale' where they invite fellow farmers and vendors to set up shop in the barn for a day. i love the opportunity to peruse beautiful, handspun wool yarns, carefully carded fibers and unbelievably soft wool felt, but this year, i was looking forward to turning my camera on the whole event. this is a handful of my favorite photographs. and actually, this is just part 1. there are so many, i think i'll have to post them in 3 parts. ;)

{love this little one's spot on his nose. he came running when he saw my camera... i thought maybe they were natural born models... later i learned that they just hadn't been fed yet!}

{miscellaneous cool farm shot.}

{another miscellaneous cool farm shot.}

{is it my imagination, or are those sheep whispering about me? well, at least they're not pointing their hooves and laughing...}

{sena, the farm guard dog, looking dejected and... threatening...}

ok, more later. :)