Monday, August 01, 2005

tired, burnt, and $140 richer

okay, so we didn't reach the "magical number" i was trying so hard not to name out loud last week, but half way through saturday afternoon, as we sat, sunburnt, under the shade of our cherry tree, watching our precious treasures (junk) dwindle in number all too slowly, we realized that it was Seafair weekend. now, if you don't live in the greater seattle area, or even western washington, you probably don't realize what a big freaking deal this festival is. it runs throughout july, marked by parades in various neighborhoods, and culminates during the last weekend with hydro races, a torchlight parade and run, among other various activities. it manages to attract half if not three quarters of seattle's population, leaving us "slim pickins" in terms of garage salers.

so, after a $40 day on sunday, having made far less than minimum wage for all of our hard work, we were discouraged. fortunately for us, most of those garage salers that were too busy seafairing on saturday came to visit us on sunday. overall, not a terribly exciting profit, but hey - it's more than we had to begin with, and more than we expected to make once we figured out that this was only the biggest weekend in july in terms of local festivities.

that said, we did not "lose" the three big pieces of furniture we hoped to sell, so we've decided to run the sale again next weekend, a non-seafair weekend. after all, the worst of the work is done - now we just have to set it up again and sit back.

well, that's about it for me. excuse me while i bemoan the misery of my sunburn.

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