seizing an opportunity to use mom & bob's really great mariner's tickets, i planned a surprise date for matt. he knew nothing, except that he needed to be home and dressed at a certain time. (granted, he put the details together pretty quickly as we got on the road.)
i knew we were in the 100 level, but i hadn't considered that we were in row 3. *swoon*
this is how close we were.
we reminisced about our favorite dates of the past. i decided my favorite was our third date, when we went to the compline service at St. Marks, and then laid under the stars talking until 2a.m.
and then it happened. our date became our favorite date. a line drive hit into right field, hall dove, making an outstanding catch and bringing the inning to an end, nonchalantly hopped up to run back to the dugout and tossed the ball into the stands. it bounced off the tip of someone or something, and landed squarely behind me, between my back and my chair. and all i could do was giggle.
and take pictures with every camera-like device i had on me. and then text everyone i know.
well, almost everyone. but i also updated my facebook status, so i guess that counts as everyone i know...
and we decided it was officially the best date we've ever had. even if the mariners did lose, and the umps did suck.